Friday, December 23, 2011


I can't say I am a winter person, but compare to summer, I think I handle the season a bit better.

Of course it's no easy task in New York.  It's not just the snow, it's the ice.  There were times when we simply needed to consider skiing to work, but I grew to like the snow especially around this time of the year.  It just adds that touch of festivity to the season, something we don't get back home in Australia.

Christmas on the beach it's probably one of the many things hubby has to adjust to.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


A friend of hubby committed suicide.

It took us a while to overcoming the shock.  The whole thing was very unsettling... any suicide attempts is unsettling.  I can never understand the choice, that if one has the strength to end the life, then find courage to live as well.  For your love ones' sake.

This journey was never made to be easy, I won't argue about that.  Yet for better or worse, it's a mission, a task, an experience... whatever one wants to call it, it's temperately.  If this place is not fun, go play somewhere else; if you are disappointed with the people around you, go make new friends.

The world is so big, take a step back, we can only live once.

Friday, December 9, 2011


後來 我總算學會了 如何去愛

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I can't believe we are in December already!

I heard that time flies faster as we get older... now I can truly attest to that statement.  It's almost as if we had all the time in the world when we were so much younger: time to spend, time to waste, time to make mistake, time to redo and undo again and again.

Now day in, day out, before you know it... another day, another year gone by.   There's still so much to do.

There's still so much to see.